Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Through the years I've noticed something universal about modern Americans and their struggle to find good entertainment. (something as rare as the dodo nowadays) Most people can't resist watching cringe moments happen to their fellow humans. I am no exception. Here is a bit of fantastic video of a Mt Laurel NJ Junior High School "talent" show. The link below will take you to the winner of "The Most Beat-Up Kid of the Class of 2004". Dig a little deeper in the site, and perouse the brilliant videos of talent shows' past. Enjoy repeated torurous renditions of 'the Star Spangled Banner' mutilated by sub-adequate guitar playing. (theres one every year) Relish the pre-pubescent butchering of Beatles' classics. (seemingly a big hit with the Jr high School ladies) Theres something for everyone at this site. Now, I know that some of you are saying that this could be construed as 'mean-spirited,' however, as a father of two budding talents myself, this is meant in the lightest of humor. A warm thanks to the visionaries that thought it would be a good idea to post these videos for all the world to enjoy.


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